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Childish Gambino
RCA Records, 2 X Vinyl LP Album
- - Disc 1 -
- 1 Atavista
- 2 Algorythm
- 3 Time Feat. Ariana Grande
- - Disc 2 -
- 1 Psilocybae (Millennial Love) Feat. 21 Savage, Ink & Kadhja Bonet
- 2 To Be Hunted
- - Disc 3 -
- 1 Sweet Thang Feat. Summer Walker
- 2 Little Foot Big Foot Feat. Young Nudy
- - Disc 4 -
- 1 Why Go to the Party
- 2 Human Sacrifice
- 3 The Violence
- 4 Final Church
Regular price