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Kid A Mnesia
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Kid A Mnesia Default Title

Like Kid A / Amnesiac (2010), this release combines the albums Kid A (2000) and Amnesiac (2001), but it also adds Kid Amnesiae: another album's worth of additional tracks.


Kid A
Everything In Its Right Place
Kid A
The National Anthem
How To Disappear Completely
In Limbo
Morning Bell
Motion Picture Soundtrack
Packt Like Sardines In A Crushd Tin Box
Pyramid Song
Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors
You And Whose Army?
I Might Be Wrong
Knives Out
Morning Bell/Amnesiac
Dollars And Cents
Hunting Bears
Like Spinning Plates
Life In A Glasshouse
Kid Amnesiae
Like Spinning Plates ('Why Us?' Version)
Untitled V1
Fog (Again Again Version)
If You Say The Word
Follow Me Around
Pulk/Pull (True Love Waits Version)
Untitled V2
The Morning Bell (In The Dark Version)
Pyramid Strings
Alt. Fast Track
Untitled V3
How To Disappear Into Strings

Regular price $54.99