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Nicki Minaj
Beam Me Up Scotty
LPx2, Republic Records
A1 Seeing Green
A2 Fractions
A3 Crocodile Teeth (Remix)
A4 Chi-Raq
A5 Boss Ass Bitch (Remix)
B1 Intro
B2 Itty Bitty Piggy
B3 I Get Crazy
B4 Kill Da DJ
B5 Nicki Minaj Speaks
B6 Slumber Party
C1 Shopaholic
C2 Gotta Go Hard
C3 Nicki Minaj Speaks #2
C4 Best I Ever Had (Remix)
C5 Keys Under Palm Trees
C6 Silly
D1 Easy
D2 Nicki Minaj Speaks #3
D3 Envy
D4 Can Anybody Hear Me?
D5 Still I Rise
D6 Beam Me Up Scotty
Regular price