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Joni Mitchell
Hejira Demos
Rhino Records, 180 Gram Vinyl LP Album
This much anticipated vinyl breakout comes straight from the Joni Mitchell Archives, Vol. 4 boxset, pressed on 180g black vinyl, and featuring Mitchell's March 1976 solo demos from one of her most acclaimed albums. If you listen closely you can even hear Rock Hall Alumnus Chaka Khan on backing vocals for the track "Black Crow".
A1 Coyote/Don Juan's Reckless Daughter 9:41
A2 Amelia 4:51
A3 Furry Sings The Blues 4:30
A4 A Strange Boy 4:16
B1 Traveling (Hejira) 6:07
B2 Black Crow
B3 Blue Motel Room 3:23
B4 Dreamland 4:52
B5 Talk To Me 3:54
Regular price