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Rome Default Title
4AD Records, Limited Edition, Indie Exclusive, White Colored 2 X Vinyl LP Album
A1 | Runaway | |
A2 | Eucalyptus | |
A3 | Tropic Morning News | |
A4 | New Order T-Shirt | |
A5 | Don't Swallow The Cap | |
B1 | Bloodbuzz Ohio | |
B2 | The System Only Dreams In Total Darkness | |
B3 | I Need My Girl | |
B4 | Lemonworld | |
B5 | The Geese Of Beverly Road | |
B6 | Lit Up | |
C1 | Alien | |
C2 | Humiliation | |
C3 | Murder Me Rachael | |
C4 | England | |
C5 | Graceless | |
D1 | Fake Empire | |
D2 | Smoke Detector | |
D3 | Mr November | |
D4 | Terrible Love | |
D5 | Vanderlyle Crybaby Geeks |
Regular price