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Childish Gambino

Because the Internet Default Title

LPx2, Glasnote Records

A1 The Library
A2 I. Crawl
A3 II. Worldstar
A4 Dial Up
A5 I. The Worst Guys
A6 II. Shadows
B1 III. Telegraph Ave. (Oakland by Lloyd)
B2 IV. Sweatpants
B3 V. 3005
B4 Playing Around Before The Party Starts
B5 I. Party
C1 II. No Exit
C2 Death By Numbers
C3 I. Flight Of The Navigator
C4 II. Zealots of Stockholm [Free Information]
D1 III. Urn
D2 Pink Toes
D3 Earth: The Oldest Computer (The Last Night)
D4 Life: The Biggest Troll [Andrew Auernheimer]

Regular price $34.99