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Joy Division / New Order
Total (from Joy Division to New Order) Default Title
LPx2, Warner
A1 Joy Division– Transmission
A2 Joy Division– Love Will Tear Us Apart
A3 Joy Division– Isolation
A4 Joy Division– She's Lost Control
A5 Joy Division– Atmosphere
B1 New Order– Ceremony
B2 New Order– Temptation
B3 New Order– Blue Monday
C1 New Order– Thieves Like Us
C2 New Order– The Perfect Kiss
C3 New Order– Bizarre Love Triangle (Shep Pettibone 7" Remix)
C4 New Order– True Faith
C5 New Order– Fine Time
D1 New Order– World In Motion
D2 New Order– Regret
D3 New Order– Crystal
D4 New Order– Krafty
D5 New Order– Hellbent
Regular price