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Olivia Rodrigo
GUTS (spilled)
Geffen Records, Limited Edition Black Friday, Record Store Day 2 X Red and Purple Marble Colored Vinyl LP Album
A1 | All-American Bitch | |
A2 | Bad Idea Right? | |
A3 | Vampire | |
A4 | Lacy | |
A5 | Ballad Of A Homeschooled Girl | |
A6 | Making The Bed | |
A7 | Logical | |
B1 | Get Him Back! | |
B2 | Love Is Embarrassing | |
B3 | The Grudge | |
B4 | Pretty Isn't Pretty | |
B5 | Teenage Dream | |
C1 | Obsessed | |
C2 | Girl I've Always Been | |
C3 | Scared Of My Guitar | |
C4 | Stranger | |
C5 | So American |
Regular price