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Kill Rock Star Records, Limited Edition, Indie Exclusive, 2 X Black Ice Colored Vinyl LP Album


A1 The Infanta 5:07
A2 We Both Go Down Together 3:04
A3 Eli, The Barrowboy 3:11
A4 The Sporting Life 4:38
B1 The Bagman's Gambit 7:02
B2 From My Own True Love (Lost At Sea) 3:42
B3 16 Military Wives 4:52
B4 The Engine Driver 4:15
C1 On The Bus Mall 6:04
C2 The Mariner's Revenge Song 8:45
C3 Of Angels And Angles 2:27
D1 The Bandit Queen (With "Dialogue" and "Tap Dancing")
D2 Bridges and Balloons 3:13
D3 Constantinople 3:34
D4 The Kingdom of Spain (Version Prescott) 3:43
D5 The Bandit Queen (Version Prescott) 4:26
Regular price $19.99