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The Jam


Vinyl LPx2 Universal Records

A1 In The City
A2 Away From The Numbers
A3 All Around The World
A4 The Modern World
A5 News Of The World
A6 Billy Hunt
A7 English Rose
A8 Mr. Clean
B1 David Watts
B2 "A" Bomb In Wardour Street
B3 Down In The Tube Station At Midnight
B4 Strange Town
B5 The Butterfly Collector
B6 When You're Young
B7 Smithers-Jones
B8 Thick As Thieves
C1 The Eton Rifles
C2 Going Underground
C3 Dreams Of Children
C4 That's Entertainment
C5 Start!
C6 Man In The Corner Shop
C7 Funeral Pyre
D1 Absolute Beginners
D2 Tales From The Riverbank
D3 Town Called Malice
D4 Precious
D5 The Bitterest Pill (I Ever Had To Swallow)
D6 Beat Surrender
Live! E∙P
E1 Move On Up (Live)
E2 Get Yourself Together (Live)
F1 The Great Depression (Live)
F2 But I'm Different Now (Live)

Regular price $39.99