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Spirit Phone
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Lemon Demon

Spirit Phone

180g LPx2, NeedleJuice Records

A1 Lifetime Achievement Award

A2 Touch-Tone Telephone
A3 Cabinet Man
A4 No Eyed Girl
B1 When He Died
B2 Sweet Bod
B3 Eighth Wonder
B4 Ancient Aliens
B5 Soft Fuzzy Man
C1 As Your Father I Expressly Forbid It
C2 I Earn My Life
C3 Reaganomics
C4 Man Made Object
C5 Spiral of Ants
Bonus Tracks
D1 Crisis Actors
D2 Redesign Your Logo
D3 Pizza Heroes
D4 You're At The Party
D5 Angry People
D6 Kubrick And The Beast

Regular price $34.99