**if an item in your order isn’t available, we will refund that item and fulfill the rest of your order, our catalog changes frequently items listed in stock may not be available. If you're making an order based on one item PLEASE keep this in mind. You may leave a note indicating we cancel order if a specific item isnt in. WE WILL NOT CONTACT CUSTOMER IF AN ITEM IS NOT IN STOCK, WE REFUND ITEM NOT IN STOCK AND SEND THE REST. YOU ARE AGREEING TO THIS UPON ORDERING.**
Joe Hisaishi
spirited away
Studio Ghibli Records – Vinyl, LP
Vinyl, LP, Single Sided, Etched
A1 あの夏へ
A2 とおり道
A3 誰もいない料理店
A4 夜来る
A5 竜の少年
A6 ボイラー虫
A7 神さま達
A8 湯婆婆
B1 湯屋の朝
B2 あの日の川
B3 仕事はつらいぜ
B4 おクサレ神
B5 千の勇気
B6 底なし穴
B7 カオナシ
C1 6番目の駅
C2 湯婆婆狂乱
C3 沼の底の家
C4 ふたたび
C5 帰る日
C6 いつも何度でも
Regular price